Performing Musicians -: Grand Rapids :- Live Music Streaming Videos

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Everett Domeier -: Live Music Streaming Video :- Folsom

Everett Domeier on Guitar playing with his friends Dennie Middleton on Keyboards, and B-Rad Franck on Drums. Here's some live music streaming video of them performing Johnny Cash's Folsom Prison

Enjoy the Music
Who does that song!

Ev, Kev and The Girl -: Live Music Streaming Video :- Freebird!

Everett Domeier on Guitar, along with his friends and neighbors Kevin and Raquel Viilo. All 3 are members of the local Grand Rapids band Trilogy

Someone in the audience shouted out "Freebird!" These 3 try to honor all requests. I don't think they've actually tried this one in quite a while. I'm sure Everett probably wishes he had his Fender tonight

Enjoy the Music

